A lot of my regular readers who have been following my journey to becoming a full time blogger have been emailing me to know how I managed to get there.
First of all, let me tell you, it was a long and difficult journey and making a full time income from blogging is not something that can be achieved overnight.

It can be done however and when it does work out, it’s a wonderful life. You get a lot of time and freedom to work on things you care about, in my case, interior design and home decoration.
But saying that I figured it all out on my own would be a lie.
I have been walking in the footsteps of people who have been doing blogging for years and years and learned most of what I know now from their courses.
If I had to recommend 1 resource that really helped me start this blog and make it my full time job, it would be The Authority Site System by Authority Hacker.
This system is a start to finish blueprint to building a profitable blog from scratch. The Authors take you through their journey to starting a new site of their own and filmed everything over the shoulder so you can follow click by click.
They share their expert advice as they go and it’s actually really easy to watch because it’s all real-life training and examples.
So if you want to follow on my footsteps, I highly recommend you check out The Authority Site System as it’s by far the best blogging training I have taken so far and it is responsible for a lot of what Homelovr is today!